The human papilloma virus

papilloma on the eyebrows

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is found exclusively in the basal layer of the skin, and the reproduction of passes in the upper layers. This disease is characteristic of his chronic with relapses.

More info on HPV, its description

HPV is infecting more than half of the population of the Earth. Some of them are simply carriers of the disease, while others this virus manifests itself as papillomatoza of the skin, mucous membranes. Sometimes, it is a viral disease that is able to be the causative agent of the cancer cell transformation. HPV is an infection of the family Papovaviridea, that can infect and modify the skin cells. It is a benign form of the tumor is formed in any area of the body:

  • the neck;
  • under the breasts;
  • on the belly;
  • the face;
  • on the genitals;
  • in the armpits;
  • of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasal cavities, lips;
  • on the mucous membranes of the internal organs.

This infection refers to obligate intracellular parasites, which are unable to you-even playable, and to do this, use the cells in the human body. The virus injects its DNA into the chromosomes of the man and he is a parasite long enough. With a decrease of immunity, you can observe a significant intensification of this disease. This reality is due to the need to treat the HPV. The development of this infection occurs in the cells of the body, but to exist outside of him, he can also, but not for long. In found in the cells of a living organism, it fails in their division.

papilloma on the brush

The incubation period and the development phase

The incubation period of the virus is different. For this type of virus trend hidden for. Subclinical courses of the disease, is characterized by the appearance of imperceptible during a simple inspection of the eruption, which cause the patient discomfort in the genital area. Immediately, you get several species of papillomavirusov. Under the influence of some factors activate the virus and starts its reproduction, and the disease enters a period of clinical manifestations. In 90% of cases for six months to a year will pass samoizlečenie, in some cases, it may occur in a chronic-relapsing, with a high probability of malignancy (depends on the type of virus). The disease takes place in four stages (phases):

Phase 1 (primary) – latent course of infection by hpv. The virus is in the body, but does not manifest, does not cause transformation in cells. At this stage, it can reveal a PCR analysis;

2 – arise of the clinical signs – in the form of growths on the skin. The virus causes an acceleration of the division of epidermal cells. At this stage, the virus is detected during the execution of the PCR, cytology and histology (detected the presence of hyperkeratosis);

3 – dysplasia. Evolution of the structure of the cell (coloridos) is visible under the microscope, since the DNA of the virus begins to interact with the DNA of the cells and causes the development of the so-called integrated form. For the diagnosis of the PCR used, the methods of cytology and histology, and colposcopy;

Stage 4 – the cancer. The development of the virus causes a mutation of the cells and the appearance of malignant cells. Formed an invasive cancer. The diagnosis occurs all of these techniques and the clinical manifestations.

Types of HPV

Identified over a hundred types of HPV, staining urogenitalny the way of man, affecting the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs of 35 species. For all types of human PAPILLOMAVIRUS (hpv) uses the classification, based on the types of showing the warts, rashes, and other skin manifestations. By typing HPV with the description is the following:

  • the different types of warts because of their appearance is the responsibility of the HPV 1-5 type;
  • plantar warts (they look like a corn) – 1-4 types of HPV. Ordinarily, in the places where occur the rubbing of horns or settlement. In such areas, the skin becomes thicker and if the clicking causes discomfort. These warts do not pass by themselves and need ablation. We can distinguish two sub-types of plantar warts. A type of germ deeply into the tissue and it hurts, another type looks like multiple bumps, as if glued to each other – a kind of warts almost does not feel the pain
  • warts– 3, 5, 10, 28, 49 types. The more often hit the palm of your hand, the face. Usually, they meet in the youth, and because of this kind of warts called on the young people. The body is often itself comes at the end of this infection;
  • the warts – 27 type of HPV;
  • the warts – the virus type 2 (normally, the body itself comes at the end of this type of virus). He was transferred to the violence by the way;
  • the field Butterfly
  • genital warts, which occurs in women, the vagina, the vulva, the genitals, the cervix, the anus in men may be the head of the penis, the skin of the foreskin, we also find the location in the respiratory tract – the types of 6, 11, 13, 16,18, 33, 35;
  • HPV high risk, resulting in a pre-cancerous condition – 39 type;
  • meeting warty epidermodysplasia. It is of two kinds: caused by HPV 5, 8, 47 types of skin cancer in 9 of 10 cases this virus is present in the blood of the patient, another type is called HPVS 14, 20, 21, 25 types typically causes institute benign;
  • laryngeal papillomatosis — a virus type 11. Usually transmitted from the mother to the child, but it is possible the infection during oral sex. Generates the complexity in swallowing, hoarseness of the voice, if the number of papillom large – worsening of breathing;
  • boveney papulez. This type caused of 16, sometimes, 18, 31-35, 42, 48, 51 54 HPV types. It can often occur in the representatives of half of men who have many partners. Externally, these formations look like semi-circular or growths with a smooth or rough surface, the color is different from clear to almost black. The disease can pass from himself, it is neocolony type of virus.

The symptoms and characteristics of the leak of HPV in men, women and children

In order to overcome the infection in the early stages of the immunity of the person is strong enough. Most often the disease does not develop and the presence of HPV person does not even suspect, because external symptoms may not occur. But after a certain time (months or years) may experience some symptoms of an HPV infection. Statistics show only about 5-10% of the cases, of which it is external, the symptoms of the disease HPV (Human papillomavirus). The disease is asymptomatic — most patients do not have signs of the disease. During the activation of the virus may occur and growths of different kinds, that speak of the presence in the body of the HPV of different types. Location space also speak of the type of virus. For example, the human papillomavirus (hpv) have a soft elongated outgrowths (filiform warts), which are mounted on the stem, the stem color may not be different from the color of the skin, but it is pigmented. May appear rod-shaped growths, soft to the touch colour pink.

In women, the specificity of the evolution of the disease is such that the development of the disease is able to occur in a latent form, but it causes the formation of papillom. Infected by the virus, the woman can not look at no symptoms until the menopause, at this time, the virus can cause malignant tumor of the cells of the genital mucosal. Prevent the onset of cancer of the cervix is caused by the presence of HPV, and assist in the regular inspection at the doctor. Because outwardly, this disease may not be. In children under the influence of the virus may develop warts on your skin, papillomatosis of the larynx (usually in the chronic-relapsing form). Papillomatosis of the larynx causes respiratory problems, until the syndrome of choking. Of the skin, warts are present in 12% of the students, it is the most common dermatological disease in children.

the diagnosis

The HPV and pregnancy

The HPV in pregnant women is not the disease the more dangerous for herself and the future of the child. The mom-to-be is only on your guard, if it has detected 6 or type 11 HPV (cause of genital warts, or anal, genital), which, during the transmission of a new-born could have effects to the respiratory form of papillomatoza. When the presence of condylomata in the quantities or locations that prevent the expulsion of a fetus may be the appointment of a caesarean, as with a ordinary childbirth, the genital warts are capable of causing the development of bleeding. All other forms of human papillomavirus (reconciliation defeats) are considered non-hazardous for the child and the course of the pregnancy.

Diagnosis and that you should contact

To diagnose the human papillomavirus use the methods of the research:

  • staff of the inspection of the patient;
  • the analysis of the blood;
  • colposcopy;
  • cytology smear – pap test;
  • the histology of the tissue;
  • PCR – polymerase chain reaction. This analysis allows us not only to know the existence of the virus, but also to determine its type. But if the analysis is positive, this does not mean that this type of HPV will not pass yourself. This analysis determines the types of hpv;
  • urethroscopy;
  • the biopsy.
the laser treatment

If the external signs in the form of skin rashes not, the complaints of the patient is not available, and the presence of HPV DNA is defined only by the analysis – it may be the accident ischemique transient of a viral infection (the person is a carrier). Because of this, HPV can be the cause of various diseases by means of authorities, where necessary, are addressed to the doctors of different directions. In the presence of warts on the skin of the face and body: turn to a dermatologist. When plantar warts – a dermatologist or a ben the ado. When the warts in men – the urologist (ben ado), among women – a gynecologist (ben ado). If genital warts are present in the area of the anus, you should apply to the proctologist. If it is suspected barodawala epidermodysplasia thing to a dermatologist or an oncologist. Laryngeal papillomatosis requires the use of the oto-rhino-or a ben the ado, boveney papulez – you need to consult a urologist or venerologu. Also requires a differential diagnosis of diseases such as micropapillae, vestibular papillomatosis – they, unlike HPV, do not require treatment, because of the similarity of symptoms is an anatomical variant of the standard. Unraveling the regulation of the values of the blood analysis will show the absence of HPV.


So fully dealt with HPV or not? To this day is not known, an antiviral drug, able to clean up the HPV from the body. The various interferons and other drugs of this series – only reduce the already genital warts, but do not reduce the frequency of appearance of news. The main method of treatment is to remove the papillom. The main methods of removal are the following:

  • and surgery. It is done under local anesthesia;
  • the radiosurgery. Radio waves from the electrode to cut off the tumor, koaguliruut the blood vessels. After antiseptic dressing;
  • the laser. This method is non-contact and bloodless. On the place to remove the rest of the crust, it happens with the healing process. A disadvantage of the method is considered to be at high risk of recurrence of the disease, its relatively high price, and the need for a polishing remaining scars;
  • electrocoagulation. According to the results, and the efficiency is similar on both previous methods;
  • cryocoagulation. The complete removal of the papillom occurs as a result of several sessions.

Although the use of these methods and the completeness of the removal of external manifestations of the virus, it is not considered the issuance of the infection, but only relative, since the man does not cease to be an infected person, and after a certain period of time the warts may occur again. A universal method of non-operative treatment for all categories of patients (men, women, and children) does not exist. An alternative can be considered that the laser ablation. But when there is a risk of malignancy (malignancy) papillom. After the operation, the patient is prescribed infusion of a dose of a steroid drug that prevents swelling, also prescribe antibiotics to prevent wound infection. In the course of the therapy of HPV completely stop a sexual life up to the time of complete healing, as well as conduct an investigation and, if necessary, the treatment of the partner.

infusions and herbs

Home treatment and remedies

In addition to the traditional methods of treatment, uses, and others that are officially recognized by medicine, and that you can do at home:

  • The treatment of warts salicylic acid. Each day, it is advisable to treat the wart with an acid solution (15-20%). This method has a drawback – the treatment should be to produce quite a long time;
  • The treatment of the cream. They grease the warts three times per week. But when applying, you can feel itchy, it is possible to erosion, redness of the skin;
  • Retinoids in a cream form. Deal with the wart for 12 weeks. Its application is also prohibited during pregnancy;
  • The injection into the hearth of the infection once every 7 days for three to four weeks. The application is prohibited during pregnancy;
  • Burned warts, papillomas and destroy pathogens. Treat the wart it is necessary to constantly for an hour. Then took a break for a week and there is a treatment. If a papilloma is not detached, by means of 14 days is still a treatment, and therefore not more than 4 procedures. It is forbidden when the warts and pediatrics.

If to speak about the treatment purely folk remedies, here's a great popularity of the use of the celandine. Its juice treat the wart several times a day. When it darkens, then the dark skin, remove them and continue to get dirty on, until the complete removal of the wart.

The prevention of the disease

The main prevention measures are:

  • application of rules of hygiene in public places;
  • respect for healthy living, the maintenance of immunity;
  • a permanent sexual partner, during sexual intercourse with testimonials, partner to use a condom;
  • enough intake of vitamins;
  • conduct a sexual life is not before the age of 18, when the mucous membrane of the cervix is already mature enough and can protect itself;
  • prevent abortions, and sex;
  • the time to treat inflammatory diseases.

During the implementation of the vaccination may sometimes be side effects in the form of a deterioration of health, increased temperature, redness of the skin at the site of injection of the vaccine.