Increase the power of methods for men

All the factors that affect the activity can be divided into two groups: psychogenic and neuronal.

The traditional methods for men


  • The fatigue and mental exhaustion due to high loads (a big responsibility on the job, the emotional experience, mental workload related to the school or to the transformation of large amounts of information);
  • Depression or subdepressivee the state;
  • Posttromboticeski syndrome (state after having survived severe life events, e.g., divorce, death of a loved one, etc);
  • Lack of self-confidence and increased anxiety, associated with failures in his personal life, the dissatisfaction of his appearance, of the size of your penis, etc;
  • Hypochondriasis – excessive preoccupation with their health, when man's search for a non-existent disease or greatly exaggerates the risk of the available and the fear of losing the male power for always;
  • Conflicts with the partner, have led to the disappearance of sexual desire for her.


  • Endocrine disorders: hypogonadism, a pituitary tumor, of the thyroid disease and others, as well as the uncontrolled use of anabolic steroids for muscle building;
  • Vascular disorders: decreased supply arterial blood to a penis. This is usually due to atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease);
  • Neurological disorders – the problem of congestion due to disease of pathways (for priphriques nerves are parasympathetic, sacral spine, and others);
  • Toxicological factors: tobacco use, alcohol abuse, drug;
  • Drug factors: sometimes, a decrease in the activity is a secondary effect of the action of drugs designed for the long term;
  • The factors of the inflammatory nature: acute and chronic of the prostate, sexually transmitted infections.

Of these causes, in practice, most often impotence psychogenic of the nature (burnout is stress, decreased mood) and a weakening of erection due to vascular disorders, prostatitis. It is with them successfully contributes to the fight against traditional medicine, in fact, these causes are acting on men, and in the piggy bank of popular wisdom, has collected a lot of recipes effective, appropriate for all ages and available for use at home.

How to improve the power of the home soon

Alternative medicine and encourages men to improve the erection in the middle of the royalties of herbs and essential oils. But normalize the power, you can, if you get rid of your bad habits, stress and excess weight. Remedies to improve the potency in men absolutely can not take if you are allergic to it. Desirable to appoint yourself. If you think about how to increase the potency of men the natural ways, check out the tips below:

  • Watch out for the BMI. Obesity of any degree leads to a bad working of all the organs.
  • Proceed the treatments of water each day. The showers and relaxing baths with sea salt help to relieve stress and improve blood circulation.
  • Avoid prolonged stress and depression. The modern medicine offers a variety of methods, aimed at the fight against the factors causing these states. Learn if your work is related to a strong stress.
  • Monitor hormone levels. All functions of the organization govern these biologically active substances. The monitoring of hormone levels will help to avoid reducing the power and the ability to work.

Among the plants that are most conducive to the improvement of the sexual life, the most popular is the ginseng. Dye 350 grams to its root, and the honey is able to cure even advanced cases of impotence. Such a result is due to the fact that ginseng contains phytohormones. The mixture of prunes and honey is able to not only restorer of virility, but also to restore the immunity. To prepare, you need to:

Herbs for power
  • 300 grams of honey;
  • 200 g of crushed prunes;
  • 200 grams of dried apricots;
  • 200 grams of chopped nuts.

You can for the normalisation of the power to use the stinging nettle. A tablespoon of raw materials poured 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse the broth should be 30-40 minutes. The liquid must be divided in 3 parts to be taken after meals. Nettle stimulates the genito-urinary system, thus improving the power and pass the pockets. The seeds of plants, you can mix it with the honey, then eat 1 tablespoon per day.


Cook universal is a folk remedy for the power on the basis of this plant will not work. Some banal do not like the smell and taste of garlic, and other allergies on him. The use of the plant lies in the fact that it thins the blood and contains a lot of vitamins. The traditional method of cooking the garlic tincture is the following:

  1. It is necessary to take 1 kg of plants, cut the dough and place in three-liter jar.
  2. The mixture you need to pour boiling water, close the jar, wrap it with a towel or a paper, and then place on a month in a dark place.
  3. Once in the night to shake up the stain.

Take a tincture may be at the end of 30 days with the milk. A teaspoon of the solution enclose in a glass of liquid. Dye take until it is completed. Not bad worked a mixture of garlic, honey, nuts and vegetables and pink rhodiola. It is hosted in a quantity of 1 teaspoon after each meal. To enhance the effect, the blending, you can drink a decoction of the swimsuit of the plantain.

The essential oils

A folk remedy for power at home, you can prepare for it with the concentrated essences of plants. During the selection of essential oils must take into account not only professional advice, but the individual characteristics of the organism. If you can't stand the smell of cinnamon, iup its extract is unlikely to increase your manhood. Increase the power to the home will help to blend the following essential oils for aromatherapy lamp:

  • 1 drop of Atlas cedar;
  • 1 drop of vetiver;
  • 2 drops of cinnamon;
  • 2 drops of rosemary;
  • 3 drops of ylang-ylang;
  • 5 drops of lemon.

Instantly return the man's strength, it is the only means of pharmacology, but the lot of more benefits. All kinds of herbs and essential oils are harmless to the body, but not every man can make in the face of their choice. The same does not have time to study " the traditional recipes of the strength of the men, iup try to cook as described in the liquors and teas. In such situations can help:

  1. The daily workout. Of the physical stimulate the production of hormones, improve stamina, and helps to fight against various mental disorders.
  2. The refusal of bad habits. Alcohol, sugar, tobacco, and constriction of blood vessels, which leads to a lack of blood supply, and then to helplessness.
  3. The fight against stress. The withdrawal of emotional stress is an important thing, as a way out of the comfort zone. If stress accumulates, then that person has all kinds of diseases of internal organs and behavior disorders.
  4. A good night's sleep. Without rest, all body systems are functioning at full power. The deterioration of the steady erection of the lack of normal sleep.


An increase of power to the home remedies often temporary. Similarly, a decrease in the sexual power men have psychological or physical problems. Experts advise to improve the erection to review your diet. The food should contain a complex of vitamins and minerals. You have to add in the menu:

  • the persil
  • seafood;
  • rave;
  • garlic.

This does not mean that your diet is composed exclusively of the above products: it is necessary to consume healthy foods. If you are having problems with the weight of the body, you should eliminate fatty foods and heavy meat. Among the seafood are particularly useful for improving the erection of the sole, and oysters. It is composed of complex amino acids and zinc, which are responsible for the production of testosterone.

For the recovery of the strength of the men of medicine recommends the intake of medications, but they often have a large number of against-indications. The traditional recipes to improve the power to resolve the problem is no less effective. The causes of the appearance of the pathology a lot, the symptoms manifest themselves in different ways, therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor. Specialist:

  • determine why the problem occurred;
  • give you tips on what to do attention;
  • advisor what are the medicinal plants enjoy.

Folk remedies to the power require a certain treatment, but have lasting results. Effective recipes of herbs and plants decide to many tasks:

  • improve erections;
  • the standardization of the production of sex hormones;
  • enhance the libido;
  • by expanding the blood vessels;
  • activate the blood circulation in the genitals;
  • eliminate the inflammation of the prostate;
  • to help improve the sexual desire;
  • improving the immunity.
Honey to improve the power

Useful products

The increase of the power of the means of the population implies not only the use of medicinal compounds. A great help can have foods that contribute to the recovery of the sexual power, if the include in the daily diet. Useful are the following:

  • the oysters are natural aphrodisiacs, contain zinc, which contributes to the development of the male hormone, testosterone, to stimulate the libido;
  • the persil is conducive to the improvement of blood circulation, the contents of the penis with blood, the recovery of the erection.

When the violation of the output power of the products:

  • the mackerel – contains vitamins, zinc, fatty acids – improves quality of sperm, increases the duration of the sexual act;
  • nuts are a stimulant of the power, increase the production of testosterone;
  • the meat supports acne hormonal of the excitation;
  • chocolate – contributes to the improvement of the libido;
  • fruit – bananas, strawberries, mango – increases the duration of the sexual act;
  • vegetables – celery, beets, carrots, excite the sexual desire.

Traditionally, erectile dysfunction, and the power to apply " the remedies:

  1. The broth in its preparation of raw materials, you need to cook a little and drink the liquid;
  2. Infusion – with this method, the component (or mixture) is filled with water and insist for a period of time;
  3. The grass tea brew and round also, like black tea or green;
  4. Beverages-alcoholic – tincture usually for their manufacture is used the vodka, clean water-of-life, the alcohol, the less wine.
  5. Enriched with oil – even the infusion, but instead of water, the main will be the body responsible for the vegetable oil, which in the process of ageing will be the basis for the extraction of useful substances of the plant.
  6. The compositions for compresses.

The candles honey. The base that constitutes the fat. You can use goose down, goat, pig, badger lard or drugstore vaseline. In addition, you will need 0.5 liters of vodka (oil of moon or diluted up to 40°of alcohol), and 0.5 kg of wax meal.

Remedies to improve power in men

It is a quick way, to obtain the desired result for 30-40 minutes. It is sufficient to note that the mustard will help you only when he's not serious neurological and endocrine disorders. This method is contraindicated for people suffering from angina pectoris, IHD.

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add two yellow cards on the area of the sacrum, primatv with a towel.

Note that the mustard can not put the diseases of the skin and wounds, fungus on the feet is also a counter-indication. It is recommended to check in advance that the skin transfers the mustard, if you has not been possible by an allergic reaction. To check, you must attach a plaster of mustard to any site on the skin for 10 minutes. Redness is, tingling and a sensation of heat, this is normal. Swelling, swelling, pain at the application site, urticaria, allergy symptoms.

Useful products

The preservation of the sexual function in men after 60 years, the extension of life. At this age, is the natural product of the reduction of testosterone, the power, there is a low libido. You can solve these problems using the traditional recipes. An effective tool for improving the power-to-consume before meals, 3 times per day. The drug is composed of equal proportions:

  • the seeds of nettle;
  • honey;
  • the wine red.

Older men is useful for use as a chewing gum to the root of calamus, three times per day. A good effect for the improvement of impotence gives the application of the infusion of rhodiola rosea. The drug prepares so:

  • the crushed roots;
  • add 2 times of water;
  • survive in a bain-marie for 10 minutes;
  • insist half an hour;
  • filter;
  • take 100 ml three times per day.
  • The seeds of onion, mix an equal quantity of honey and take every day a teaspoon. Such a composition not only protects the force manly, but increases in the seminal fluid of the sperm concentration the assets, treats the inflammation of the prostate.
Thyme strengthens the sexual power of men


Thyme stimulates the adrenal glands, which secrete testosterone is the hormone responsible for libido and potency. Herbal Infusions and decoctions, it thyme are an erection firm and lasting.

  • 1 tablespoon dried herbs, pour 250 ml of boiling water and let steep 5 to 7 minutes. Drink a tea need ½ cup 2 times a day for 10 days, if necessary, after 2 weeks of pause repeat.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of leaf black tea with three buds of thyme and add 1 tablespoon of white mint. Pour mixture of boiling water, to insist, and to use, as usual the weld. For a better effect, you can drink, adding a spoon of honey.
  • The oil of thyme. It is sold already prepared, but if you want to, you can easily make at home. To do this, you will need 0.5 liters of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) and 100 gr. dry thyme. In a glass container, to fall asleep in the grass, pour oil at room temperature, close the lid and put in a cool place, away from sunlight, for 14 days. Periodically, the containers can be agitated. The night, to do the massage of the perineum, by using this oil.
  • The Vodka of the dye. For preparation, you need 100 grams. dried thyme, pour in a floor-litre of vodka and leave to rest for 2-3 weeks, drain. The meal of the throw, and the infusion of take 1 times daily 20-30 drops.