Remedies to improve power quickly

Folk remedies for penis enlargement work in an integrated manner. Their impact aims in common and strengthen the body, increase of energy stock, the strengthening of immunity, the normalization of the circulation, the restoration of hormonal levels. The power will not improve in a few hours, and for ever, on condition of a right attitude to your body in the future.

If " the remedies to lift the power

Remedies to improve power

The weakness of the power is a concept elastic. Each man heard by its symptoms. Someone knows that the sex is already not every day and 2 times a week, someone has sex, this is not 20 minutes, and 10. There are also symptoms of low power, which, in effect, are considered to be pathological – an erection does enforce a sexual act, there is rapid ejaculation, reduces the sensitivity. In this case, the ed requires an analysis of the problems with the application of adverse factors, the review. Assigned to a comprehensive therapy, including the traditional treatments.

In other words, the means to help him, but the result of somebody appears in the course of the day, someone, will have to wait a month. How will act quickly of drugs depends on the cause of the weakening of the power. He has several:

  • physical fatigue;
  • the exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • a failure;
  • the diseases of the genital organs;
  • a problem in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • disorders of the circulation, the flow in the pelvic organs;
  • disorders of metabolism, excess weight gain, obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • the chronic diseases;
  • long a disorder of the digestive system;
  • a poor diet;
  • the age of the modification;
  • bad habits, a sedentary way of life.

If the violation of the activity is associated with a weakening of the body, without the presence of disease, pathological processes, and traditional, will be able to resolve the problem fairly quickly. To improve the functioning of the reproductive system, it is necessary to normalize blood circulation, eliminate process stagnant, relieve spasms, strengthen the muscles of the penis, increase the testosterone level. Such a result is obtained a good supply, to the consumption of drugs, drinks, exercise, massage.

Herbs for power

The list of plants that have a positive effect on the human body has been created for centuries. Modern men remains to choose the good, buy a tool at the pharmacy, or prepare according to recipes popular. A contraindication to the application of the whole herb is a individual intolerance to components. It manifests itself in an allergic reaction to the skin of the cloud cover, the deterioration of health in general. In this case, it is appropriate to stop treatment, choose a different drug.

  • Ginseng. The action of this plant is, in the first place, to the normalization of blood pressure. Are eliminated in a process stagnant in the pelvic organs, blood rushes to the sex of the authority comes to erection. In addition, ginseng, strengthens blood vessels, improves the well-being of men. Increases energy reserve, eliminates fatigue, sleepiness, helps to cope with the depression of the state, improves the ability. In the case of minor faults of the power improvement comes after the first application of the medicine. In other cases, it is necessary for a course of treatment at least 14 days. Tincture of ginseng buy in a pharmacy or prepare only the medication. Insist on the alcohol, make the coulis.
  • Nettle. The plant has a hemostatic property, increases the viscosity of the blood. It is forbidden to use the men with the increase of the coagulability of the blood. In other cases, the nettle – effective to improve strength at any age. Use seeds of the plant, which is transformed into a dry powder, fresh leaves, from the root. Nettle eliminates inflammatory processes, helps to heal adenoma prostrate, cystitis, fight against bacteria, improves the condition of blood vessels, normalizes the work of cardiovascular system. In addition, it strengthens the immune system, improves the protective functions of the body, the saturated fatty acids trace elements, vitamins, acids and prosimy useful links.
  • Thyme. A Unique herb with a multitude of positive properties. No organ in the human body, which would be in favour of has not system of this plant. Thyme improves the functioning of the digestive system, heals the infectious diseases of the intestine, eliminates headaches, improves endurance and strengthens immunity. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression. Thyme has an impact on the circulatory system – dilates the blood vessels, eliminates the process stagnant. A complex effect on the male body allows to obtain a maximum effect for a minimum of time. Very useful tea of thyme in the morning, to the gaiety, the evening, for the sake of sex, a good night's sleep.
  • Mint. Often, the violation of the power is related to nervous exhaustion, the stress, the depression, the psycho-emotional. The mint has pronounced sedative properties. Has a direct impact on the erection corrects a muscle spasm that prevents the blood in the genital organ. In addition, calms, adds self-confidence, normalizes sleep, improves endurance, resistance to stressful situations. Peppermint is also strengthens immunity, normalizes the work of digestive system – resolves nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain. Improves performance of heart, soothes the cardiac rhythm.
  • St. john's wort. The plant called natural aphrodisiac. Medicines containing st. john's wort strengthens the libido, prolong sexual act, to increase the sensitivity of the weasel. The grass fatigue, a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes the work of digestive tract, and dilates the blood vessels and improves blood circulation. The action of the herb may be felt after the first application, the treatment for a few days, improves endurance, stress resistance, endurance, normalize hormones.

In addition to these plants to improve the power also use dill, persil, hawthorn, lemon balm, golden root, ivan-grass, watercress. The chance to combine a few herbs to enhance the effect.

Remedies based on honey and propolis

The products of beekeeping are actively used in various diseases linked to inflammation, of the violation of the circulation of the blood, the pain. In addition, in the composition of the honey of many components needed for the normal functioning of the organism as a whole. The honey normalizes the work of digestive tract, strengthens the immune system, stimulates blood circulation, improves the supply of energy, normalizes sleep.

Effective recipes to improve the power:

  • Mix in the same proportions, the raisins, apricots, prunes, add the chopped lemon with the peel of walnuts. Pour the cool mixture of honey, mix. Give a little bit of beer. Store it in the refrigerator on a lower shelf. Take one tablespoon three times per day.
  • Propolis crumble, pour the alcohol medical. Leave to infuse for a week, stirring occasionally. Drain. Take 40 drops three times per day. High of the propolis tincture before eating with water. Indicated the number of drops to 200 ml Duration of therapy of 14 days.
  • In the honey add 1 tablespoon of seed powder of stinging nettle applied on a member. The tool works on the nerves, stimulates the blood flow to the penis, appears erection. The honey before the sexual act, carefully washed with lukewarm water.
  • Mix 300 ml of honey, red wine. Add 150 ml of aloe juice, 100 g of rosehip, 30 g of seeds of persil. Insist tool in a dark and cool place of the week. Take 1 tablespoon for a half-hour before meals 1 time per day, or before the sexual act. The consumption of a remedy popular in the months to normalize hormones, improves blood circulation, increases the power.
  • The kernel of the walnuts, pour the water, insist day. Add 1 cup of the medicine tablespoon of honey. Take during the day.

Recipes to improve the power of honey, a very large number. In general, you can achieve the desired results, if one takes the rule to eat on an empty stomach 1. tbsp of honey every day. Is allowed to add in tea instead of sugar, hot milk.

Cocktail nuts

One of the best ways to improve power are considered to be nuts. The secret of success lies in the high amount of protein. Nuts to normalize the digestion and stimulates the metabolism, cleanse and strengthen the blood vessels, increase vitality. The nuts are needed to feed the brain, improve the functioning of the nervous system. In the case of consumption of nuts increases the level of testosterone, which leads to an improvement in the power, the libido. To improve the effectiveness of nuts mixed with other components.

    Herbs for power
  • One of the most effective ways and quick to prepare recipes – nuts with honey. Uses of nuts, earth, wood, cashew nut, d'. Nuts are pre-crushed and mixed with honey. Eat 3. tbsp per day.
  • Whip 200 ml of cream with 2 chicken, eggs. Add chopped nuts. Drink a cocktail once per day. This energy drink saves from chronic fatigue, adds strength, improves erection.
  • Whisk 1 egg, add 50 ml of cognac, mix again. Add the lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey, chopped nuts. Drink the entire portion of a half-hour before the intercourse to be done in 2 parts, used in the course of the day.

The nuts can be eaten in its purest form, not in combination with other components, instead of seeds. The presence of walnuts in the diet improves power, warns the erectile dysfunction in the future.

Other means to improve the power

Traditional medicine is struck by the diversity of the tools for the male body. Choosing one of them, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism, the cause of the violation of the power.

  • The rowan-tree. The strengthening of the power under the influence of mountain ash is related to its ability to lower blood pressure. In addition, the composition of the berries of a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, connections necessary for the normal functioning of the male body. Consume you can of fresh berries, squeeze the juice, cook the wine.
  • Musk Rose. Increases the protective functions of the body, boosts immunity, invigorates, purifies the vessels, normalizes blood circulation. The tool shows high pressure. Furthermore, has property diuretic, cholagogue, normalizes the work of ANTS. Berries of a dogrose a decoction, tincture, combine with other components. The recipe of broth – threw in the water, boil for 5 minutes, insisting. Add the honey, drink tea instead. It is possible to combine with mint, lemon balm, thyme. In this case, you can use the drink-and low-pressure.
  • Aspen bark. The tool affects the blood circulation has properties antipyretic, a property anti-inflammatory, analgesic, tonic, anti-diarrhoeal. The drink from a grove of aspen bark is recommended to be taken at a sedentary way of life, the flow of the processes in the pelvic organs. Improves the strength due to the normalization of blood circulation. Pour the bark of water, boil for a few minutes, insist not less than 2 hours. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times per day.

The duration of the therapy does not matter what is selected the tool shall not exceed 30 days, in the absence of a result, it is necessary to seek the help of experts.

Products for the power

Often the onset of erectile dysfunction is related to poor nutrition, addictions. Good diet, normalizes metabolism, burns extra calories, improves the functioning of internal organs, systems, strengthens the immune system, increases the potential of life, normalize hormonal balance, sexual activity.

Men need to give up fried, fatty foods, smoking, and substance abuse. Cut the consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to normalize the power mode, not too much to eat. To improve power, you must focus on proteins.

Products for the improvement of the power:

The power of the old age
  • The pumpkin;
  • Ginger;
  • Nuts;
  • The cumin;
  • The clove;
  • Dill
  • The persil;
  • The onion;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Coriander;
  • The cream;
  • Yogurt;
  • Curd;
  • Fruits;
  • The bays;
  • Dried Fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Seafood;
  • The poultry meat, lean pork;
  • Offal;
  • Porridge buckwheat, rice, oats;
  • Eggs;
  • Oysters;
  • The fish;
  • Chocolate;
  • Juice of fresh fruit.

Is not recommended to eat pasta, the flour, the sweetness. Like a glass of permits, green tea, stewed fruit, juices, herbal teas, mineral water. Needless to say that the power affects the functioning of the intestine. By normalizing the activities of the authority, you can get an improvement of power, which follows as a reaction.

What works better in old age

With age, the changes will need to be in the face of every man, but the magnitude of the change of the sexual activity, depends on the mode of life led man, in his younger years. In old age, men have problems with the pressure, the work of the cardio-vascular system, there are different chronic diseases. The deterioration of the power can be related to the drop in hormones, or because of diseases. What tool to choose to improve the power must advise a specialist, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Which works better in old age combined approach. Requires a good diet, moderate exercise, increase in the potential energy, drugs of normalization of blood circulation. Herbs should take into account their properties. They all have an effect on the circulatory system, but some increase blood pressure, others lower. When a bad choice of tools the side effects occur, the power is weakened even more.