What is a papilloma, and what it looks like

Non-standard proliferation of skin cells is known as neoplasms. As the main cause of the appearance of the institute, the specialists call the exposure to ultraviolet rays.


The second reason for lesions of the skin are known to cause cancer. For any element of the new formation on the skin, you must follow in a timely manner and apply to the doctor — oncologist.

It will take all the diagnostic procedures. And it will recommend the next steps you need to perform.

Papilloma, wart, and warts – all this is a consequence of the activity of the human papillomavirus or HPV. The virus enters the body of the man and the waiting time. Under the action of the precipitating factors is to activate the HPV. This is manifested by the formation of soft growths on the skin and mucous membranes.

The tumor is capable of degrading the quality of life of its cells is own to mutating, leading to oncology. The early diagnosis and treatment papillom on the genitals – the guarantee of a healthy and intimate life of women.

The reasons of occurrence papillom in the mouth

The main reason for the appearance of the institute in the mouth is the presence in the body of the human papilloma virus. Get easily: the virus is transmitted home, through and through personal contacts (touching, unprotected sex). The main methods of infection by the virus:

  • The Non-observance of rules of personal hygiene, the use of foreign toothbrushes and towels;
  • The average household is very poor disinfection application information objects and crockery used in conjunction with an infected person;
  • The personal contact with the process of analyzing carrier (kissing, oral sex, sexual intercourse);
  • Infection by a virus of a new-born occurs at the transition on the heritage lanes of the mother, the bearer of the HPV.

The incubation period of the disease can last for several years. Discover the HPV can be done by making analysis.

There are a number of factors makes the water to be treated on the activation of the virus and the onset of symptoms:

  • Frequent colds and chronic inflammatory processes, decreased immunity;
  • Stress and lifestyle habits;
  • Violations of substantive hormonal;
  • The prolonged use of antibiotics and corticosteroids (national);
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Of pregnancy.
  • Systematic trauma to the mucosa of the mouth (the use of toothbrushes with stiff bristles, hot food and drink, dentistry, prosthetic, braces);
  • Dental caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis.

Any papilloma appeared on the body, caused only the HPV (human papilloma virus). The human papillomavirus (hpv) in intimate places – is a widespread phenomenon. The excrescences are located in the groin, in the vagina, on the penis, the anus. Often sexual papillomavirus found in children. The institute can offer their support is not only a feeling of oppression, but also of the physical discomfort. According to the data of the health statistics, the papillomavirus genital organs occurs almost a quarter of the population.

The mechanism of formation of papillom in the intimate area

In an idle state, sex, the human papilloma virus is able to live in the body for a long enough period of time. The support of the virus can infect others, quite without knowing it.

The process of revitalization and the viral growth of the cells occurs when the weakening of the defenses of the organism. This results in the appearance of the institute.

Contrary to the popular belief that hpv causes discomfort exclusively in cosmetics, it can cause health problems.

The types of HPV

According to the international standards, all the institute are divided into three types:

  • Benign.
  • Malignant.
  • Edge (precancerous lesions).

It is important to be able to determine the type of papillom on the body. The type of neoplasm depends on the strain of the virus.

In most cases, people are faced with non-dangerous forms of infection, which is not a bad sign, not harm to health and cause only an aesthetic discomfort. It is enough to remove the wart, to forget the discomfort.

Distinguish between the different kinds of warts on the body is sufficient, by comparing the different photos. Each type of training is characterized by a number of characteristics, knowing that easy-to suspect one form or another illness.

By an ordinary papilloma or warts

The most common form of the manifestation of hpv is by an ordinary papilloma, popularly " called warts. They are caused by several strains of the virus, transmission to contact-domestic and sexual.

According to statistics, about one-third of the people of the planet at least once in their life in the face of the advent of the is by a regular papillom.

The human papillomavirus (hpv) in the mouth are of several types:

  1. Epithelial hyperplasia — small education in the form of the papilla, often trained on the sides of the tongue;
  2. The simple (vulgar) human papillomavirus appears in the sky and has the shape of flattened bumps;
  3. Vulgaris papilloma;
  4. The growths on the gums are most often presented in the form of flat papilloma;
  5. Flat papilloma;
  6. Papilloma on the body
  7. Filiform papillomaviruses have subtle base, which is often the cause of hemophilia and inflammations, if the hurt. The meeting on the flange of the language;
  8. Filiform hpv on the tongue;
  9. Of condylomata acuminata are in the shape of a cone, are joined together and form large lesions;
  10. Pointed papilloma

It is important! The delay in diagnosis of the threat of proliferation of papillomatous nodes on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

The hpv on the tongue and cheeks may have a different shape. The polyps on the plays represent a soft little bump, and do not cause pain. Growths on the tongue are sensitive to irritation and micro-injuries, which can cause bleeding.

The human papillomavirus (hpv) on the tonsils is often confused with laryngitis or purulent sore throat. Because of the institute can be observed swelling of the airways and vocal cords, which causes breathing difficulties.

Of the unpleasant sensations accompanying the process of absorption of food even liquid. Sometimes, the person feels the sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the throat.

The emergence of papillom on the larynx may be accompanied by a change of voice, difficulty in breathing. Upon receipt of the solids viscous with the skin growths that can bleed. Red throat of the child can talk about the existence of the institute. Papillomatosis of the larynx in children is the cause of the bronchitis.

The appearance of disease formations in the form of bumps or polyp on the mucosa (growths on the gums) is dangerous to the mucous membrane will be injured a toothbrush or dental prostheses. In the end, this will lead to an inflammatory process of the and infection non-healing wounds.

The human papillomavirus, in addition to the skin of inserm, is a danger to the development of various diseases. The type of infection that shows how it will evolve, and the dangers that represents.

The definition of the form of warts is necessary to:

  • identify if the risk of the renaissance outgrowth of malignant tumor;
  • the choice of an effective treatment;
  • determine the type of infection.


Also known as vulgar or common. The formation of the papilloma precedes a mild burning.

With the time, appears spherical protuberance, that resembles a tumor. Later still, the smooth surface of the institute varies rough, and the color of the flesh turns into darker.

The dimensions can vary from 1 to 10 mm

Most often the warts appear between the fingers and on the palms of the hands towards the back. In children who move mainly by crawling, can be localized on the knees. Are single or multiple.

Often vulgar papillomavirus (hpv) is not a bad sign, not a danger to the health of the man, presenting with a benign growths.


The name itself says about the location of the papillom. To wrong not to confuse them with the feet, a number of speakers signs:

  • neoplasm for all the signs like a common wart;
  • the pain is felt in the area of the outgrowth while wearing shoes of smaller size;
  • the skin figure does not exist and the rough surface.

Plantar verrucas inherent to the mosaic of papillomatosis, when near the main skin of education will form bubbles with the time of the papilloma.

In young children the plantar warts can go away independently.


Have oval, tense, less round shape. Are characterized by a low height of only a few millimetres protruding above the skin. Strike the face, the skin of the terrain of the top of the chest, sometimes the external genital organs.

Color is slightly darker than the color of hue of skin. Placed to the flat side of the papilloma have the property of uniting in a single spot, after which economic much more visible.


Warts, characterized by the particular stem and the form, are " called filiform (acrochordus). Originally dermal neoplasm has the appearance of a small bumps, which will soon relaxes.

The more often in men and women after the age of 40. Located on the neck, on the eyelids of the eyes, under the armpits, in the groin area, near the mammary gland. Are often injured due to the presence of thin legs, which is easy to damage to clothing or scruffy movement.


Outwardly reminiscent of papillary of education. Can hit piderme as a single, and entire groups. As the development bind together, formants a physical and a bright pink color peak.

The appearance of genital warts caused a sexually transmitted infection. In this regard, the genital warts strike the sexual organs, the area inguinal area near the anus.

Papillomavirus in the mouth

Pointed papilloma grow very quickly and in a few days, can occupy a vast expanse of healthy tissue. Even after a successful treatment is not excluded from a relapse.

The medicine has over a hundred varieties of hpv. Nearly forty of them are sexually transmitted and therefore affects the genitals of men and women, of many different types of HPV in general is not a bad sign, not bad, and some are particularly dangerous and may cause cancer.

The types of the human papilloma virus usually classified according to the degree of probability of education oncogene formations on the skin. We distinguish between:

  • very dangerous type 16, 18, 36, 45;
  • type of medium severity– 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 58;
  • type-safe– 6, 11, 42, 43, 44.

HPV is a micro-agency with up to hundreds of stamps. Depending on the species, is based on the person of the stamp of HPV, on the pidermes are formed, and the different types of papillom. They differ in appearance, speed of growth, the location on the body.

Some papillomatous expansion are identified on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, bladder, in women in the vagina, and in men in the penile region.

Definition of a type papillom is necessary to select the most effective method for the treatment and for the assessment of the risks of the revival of this malignant tumor.

The official medicine HPV is divided into 4 groups:

  • non-oncogene;
  • low-oncogenes;
  • the holders of the medium oncogenic risk;
  • a high degree of carcinogenicities.

Non-oncogenic, it is not reborn with the time a cancerous tumor, generally, are common warts, flat, plantar type. If you take the general definition of the human papillomavirus (hpv), iup, in latin, can be described as a "tumour-shaped papilla".